Sunday, March 29, 2009

Touring China

Our time in China so far has been wonderful. There are 9 other precious families on this adoption journey with us and they are quickly becoming family. We all go thru waves of emotions...ok the mommas all go thru waves of emotions. Emily will look at me & say "uh oh, here come the tears". She is so right. The realization that this journey that we have been on for the last 3 years is finally coming to an end...or really I guess just beginning is at times very overwhelming. I have so many things running through my mind...will she like us, will she be happy, does she even want to leave where she is, will she be scared to death, what is she like, will she like Rusty, will I be able to comfort her when she is scared, sooo much more...
The last few days have been spent sight seeing in Beijing. We have 2 wonderful ladies, Rosa & Maggie, that have been our guides and have taken this group of foreigners under their wings. We worry about nothing, because we know they are taking good care of us, even down to loaning us coats for those of us who never expected it to be cold enough to have snow flurries in Beijing in late March! The Summer Palace, The Great Wall of China, Tienman Square & then The Forbidden City, Peal factory, other great places that I couldn't even begin to pronounce, much less spell have filled our days. After all of our sight seeing yesterday we all parted ways to travel to each of our childrens provinces...our destination is Guongzhou.

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